Cuisinart Espresso EM-200NP1 Programowalny ekspres do kawy na 15 barów, stal nierdzewna Espresso ze stali nierdzewnej




Zaparz pojedyncze lub podwójne espresso, używając mielonego espresso lub saszetek za pomocą tego programowalnego ekspresu do kawy. Ciśnienie 15 barów zapewnia niezmiennie autentyczne espresso z doskonałą pianką, a dysza parowa ze stali nierdzewnej ułatwia przekształcenie napoju espresso w spienione cappuccino lub latte. Zaprogramowane rozmiary miseczek obejmują 1-1/2 uncji i 3 uncje. Zbiornik ekspresu do kawy o pojemności 64 uncji można wyjąć w celu łatwego napełniania, a przycisk pary działa osobno dla wygody. Inne zalety to taca do podgrzewania filiżanek na górze, wyjmowana tacka ociekowa i pokrywa ułatwiająca czyszczenie oraz uchwyt na filtr z mechanizmem blokującym, który umożliwia szybkie wypompowanie mokrych fusów po każdym użyciu. Akcesoria obejmują nierdzewny kubek do spieniania i ubijak z miarką. Pięknie zaprojektowany w profesjonalnej obudowie ze stali nierdzewnej z wytłoczonym logo Cuisinart, ekspres do kawy ma wymiary 10-1/2 na 9-1/4 na 12-3/4 cala i jest objęty trzyletnią ograniczoną gwarancją. Od producenta Cuisinart EM-200 pozwala przygotować w domu espresso o jakości dla smakoszy. Dzięki programowalnemu systemowi, który pozwala wstępnie wybrać wielkość porcji, 15 barom ciśnienia dla uzyskania maksymalnego smaku oraz opcji użycia mielonego espresso lub saszetek, masz kontrolę. Oddzielna funkcja pary i dysza ze stali nierdzewnej ułatwiają spienianie mleka do cappuccino i smooth latte. Dzięki wyjmowanej tacce ociekowej i pokrywie oraz uchwytowi kolby z mechanizmem blokującym, który ułatwia usuwanie mokrych fusów po użyciu, czyszczenie jest również szybkie i proste. Poszukiwanie idealnego espresso Powszechnie uważa się, że dla idealnej filiżanki najważniejsze są cztery podstawowe elementy: 1. Woda: Podczas parzenia espresso upewnij się, że woda przepływa przez filtr we właściwym tempie. Przepływ wody można regulować, zmieniając ciśnienie, z jakim kawa jest ubijana w filtrze lub zmieniając stopień mielenia kawy. Jeśli prędkość wody jest niska, kawa będzie nadmiernie ekstrahowana i będzie bardzo ciemna i gorzka, z plamistą i nierówną pianką (pianką) na wierzchu. Jeśli prędkość przepływu wody jest zbyt duża, kawa będzie niedostatecznie zaparowana i nie rozwinie się doskonały smak. Kawa będzie rozcieńczona, a na wierzchu będzie niewystarczająca ilość pianki. 2. Kawa: Podczas gdy większość płynu to woda, cały smak powinien pochodzić z kawy. Aby uzyskać taką samą doskonałą jakość kawy, jaką otrzymujesz w kawiarni, musisz używać ziaren tej samej jakości. Jeśli zdecydujesz się zmielić własne ziarna, kupuj świeże i całe ziarna, tylko na około dwa tygodnie, aby uzyskać maksymalną świeżość. Po rozbiciu ziarna kawy jego smak bardzo szybko się pogarsza. Jeśli kupowanie mniejszych zapasów nie jest praktyczne, zalecamy oddzielenie większej ilości ziaren i przechowywanie ich w hermetycznych pojemnikach w chłodnym, suchym miejscu. Nie powinny być przechowywane dłużej niż 1 miesiąc, ponieważ tracą smak. Nie przechowuj w lodówce ani nie zamrażaj ziaren kawy. 3. Mielenie: Mielenie kawy ma kluczowe znaczenie dla właściwego wydobycia smaku. Jeśli używasz kawy wstępnie zmielonej, upewnij się, że kupiłeś młynek do espresso przeznaczony specjalnie do ekspresów do espresso/cappuccino. Jeśli zmielenie jest zbyt drobne, pojawi się nadmierna ekstrakcja i goryczka z plamistą i nierówną pianką na wierzchu. Jeśli zmielenie jest zbyt grube, woda będzie przepływać zbyt szybko i na wierzchu espresso będzie niewystarczająca ilość pianki. 4. Ubijanie fusów: Jeśli zdecydujesz się użyć mielonego espresso zamiast saszetek, ubijanie kawy jest bardzo ważną częścią procesu parzenia kawy. Użyj dołączonej miarki, aby napełnić koszyk filtra, a następnie za pomocą ubijaka ubij fusy z umiarkowanym naciskiem. Dodaj więcej kawy i ponownie ubij, jeśli to konieczne, aby wyrównać poziom kawy. Nie przepełniać koszyka filtra. Zmieloną kawę należy ubić z umiarkowanym naciskiem. Jeśli kawa nie jest dobrze ubita, istnieje ryzyko, że woda będzie przepływać przez kawę zbyt szybko i kawa będzie niedostatecznie ekstrahowana. Uwaga: jeśli kawa zostanie ubita zbyt mocno, woda będzie przepływać przez kawę zbyt wolno i kawa będzie nadmiernie ekstrahowana. Programowanie ekspresu do kawy Ten ekspres do kawy firmy Cuisinart ma możliwości programowania. W oparciu o ustawienia kawiarni, funkcje pojedynczego i podwójnego espresso są ustawione na 1,5 i 3 uncje. Jednak wykonując kilka prostych kroków, możesz wstępnie zaprogramować idealną wielkość porcji co do uncji. Łatwe do wykonania kroki z ilustracjami znajdują się w instrukcji obsługi. Teksturowanie mleka Teksturowanie mleka to gotowanie mleka na parze. Para robi dwie rzeczy; podgrzewa mleko i miesza powietrze z mlekiem w celu uzyskania spienionej konsystencji. Podobnie jak w przypadku nauki parzenia espresso, doskonalenie sztuki teksturowania mleka wymaga czasu i praktyki. Cechy i zalety * Wyjmowany zbiornik na wodę o pojemności 64 uncji z pokrywą z 2 opcjami napełniania wodą: 1. Podnieś pokrywę u góry ekspresu do kawy i napełnij zimną lub przefiltrowaną wodą. 2. Wyjmij zbiornik, aby go napełnić, a następnie włóż go, naciskając mocno, aż zbiornik osadzi się na podstawie równo z urządzeniem. * Płyta do podgrzewania filiżanek do podgrzewania filiżanek espresso * Pompa o ciśnieniu 15 barów * Przycisk ręczny: używany do ciągłego nalewania espresso * Przycisk 1 filiżanki: używany do jednej porcji espresso, 1,5 uncji * Przycisk 2 filiżanek: używany do podwójna porcja espresso, 3 uncje * Przycisk Program: Służy do ustawiania liczby potrzebnych uncji * Przycisk Steam: Używany podczas przygotowywania cappuccino i latte - będzie migać, aż będzie gotowy do użycia. * Uchwyt kolby: może być używany z espresso mielonym lub w saszetkach - ma dwie pozycje, blokadę i odblokowanie, co ułatwia czyszczenie gorąca woda * Komercyjna rurka parowa: służy do parowania mleka do cappuccino i latte * Wyjmowana tacka ociekowa: wyjmowana tacka ociekowa z kratką * Szpilki czyszczące: służą do czyszczenia nadmiaru mleka, które utknęło w dyszy pary lub cząstek kawy, które utknęły w rurce filtr * Nierdzewny dzbanek do spieniania: używany do parowania mleka do cappuccino i latte * Miarka/narzędzie do ubijania: użyj jednej strony jako miarki do kawy, a drugiej do ubicia mielonej kawy w koszu filtra * Kosze filtrów: użyj filtra na jedną filiżankę na pojedyncze espresso i kosz filtra na dwie filiżanki do podwójnego espresso oraz kosz filtra w saszetkach do espresso Bringing the Good Life Produkty firmy Cuisinart zostały zaprojektowane tak, aby życie było smaczne przez cały dzień. Przedmioty specjalne, takie jak ten ekspres do kawy, oferują dzisiejszym konsumentom różnorodne opcje menu oraz nowe, zabawne i łatwe sposoby rozrywki dla rodziny i przyjaciół. Cuisinart po raz pierwszy pojawił się w domowych kuchniach ponad 30 lat temu, kiedy wprowadził legendarny już robot kuchenny. Ludzie odkryli, że rutynę można przełamać, a kreatywne gotowanie szybko stało się częścią nowego stylu życia. Przygotowywanie świeżych składników za pomocą produktów oferujących łatwe i interesujące nowe techniki oznaczało zdrowsze posiłki i więcej wolnego czasu. Dzisiaj Cuisinart opracowuje produkty, dzięki którym każdy posiłek będzie niezapomniany. Od tostów śniadaniowych i kawy po eleganckie pięciodaniowe kolacje, przygotowanie i gotowanie stało się przyjemną częścią całego doświadczenia. Dzisiejszy zrelaksowany styl życia i wygoda produktów Cuisinart sprawiają, że delektowanie się dobrym życiem jest łatwiejsze niż kiedykolwiek, w domu z rodziną i przyjaciółmi. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Obejmuje wyjmowany zbiornik o pojemności 69 uncji, wyjmowaną tackę ociekową i pokrywę, tackę grzewczą na górze urządzenia, narzędzie do ubijania z miarką i nierdzewnym kubkiem do spieniania oraz ograniczoną 3-letnią gwarancję. Uchwyt kolby z mechanizmem blokującym, który ułatwia usuwanie mokrych fusów po użyciu. Dysza pary ze stali nierdzewnej do cappuccino i latte oraz oddzielny przycisk pary dla łatwej obsługi. Bez BPA. Zaparz 1 lub 2 filiżanki kawy, używając mielonego espresso lub saszetek; Można wybrać zaprogramowany rozmiar miseczki ustawiony na 1,5 uncji i 3,0 uncji. Programowalny ekspres parzy pojedyncze lub podwójne espresso i ma ciśnienie 15 barów. Uwaga: 1)Zbyt grubo zmielona kawa, zbyt mała ilość kawy lub niedostateczne ubicie fusów przed zaparzeniem mogą prowadzić do niedostatecznego ciśnienia dla prawidłowego zaparzania. 2) Należy pamiętać, że ilość zaparzonego espresso będzie się różnić w zależności od rozmiaru i ilości mielenia, a po zmianie rozmiaru i ilości może być konieczne przeprogramowanie.
Brand Cuisinart
Capacity 50 Milliliters
Coffee Maker Type Espresso Machine
Color Stainless Steel
Customer Reviews 4.1 4.1 out of 5 stars 1,968 ratings 4.1 out of 5 stars
Filter Type Reusable
Human Interface Input Dial, Buttons
Included Components Tamping Tool, Espresso Machine
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item model number EM-200NP1
Item Weight 12.47 pounds
Manufacturer Cuisinart
Material Stainless Steel
Model Name EM-200NP1 Programmable 15-Bar Espresso Maker
Number of Items 1
Package Type Standard Packaging
Product Dimensions 12.8 x 9.25 x 10.63 inches
Product Dimensions 12.8"D x 9.25"W x 10.63"H
Special Feature Programmable
Specific Uses For Product Personal
Style Programmable
Voltage 120
Wattage 1000 watts


8 Review
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

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Scritto da: reesah mouse
First Impressions
UPDATE at the end. My machine arrived yesterday evening. I read all of the directions, watched the DVD, read the directions again, and then followed the directions while actually making a latte. To get right to the point, I was able to make a passable latte right off the bat, which I wasn't expecting. The flavor was wonderful--reminiscent of the lattes I get from independent coffee shops--not as sweet as Starbucks. (I love Starbucks, but with less sweetness, the flavor of the espresso stands out more.) My first latte was not perfect, but it was drinkable. I made some mistakes, but in my defense, the machine arrived a day earlier than expected and late in the day, and I just wanted to play with it right away. I gave this machine four stars because I don't like how the frothing wand is designed. I think all the similar machines that I researched are the same, but I wish it were up higher and would pull away from the machine more to make it easier to use. When I use it for hot water, I can only put about 4 ounces of water in the cup, because I have to tilt the cup to get it out from under the wand. It takes two or three times to fill up a cup for tea, and I have to use two cups instead of just filling up my tea cup. I also wish I could fit a taller cup under the machine or the espresso to flow into. For now I'm using the shot glass, but later on, I'd like to have the espresso flow directly into the cup I'll be using, but I'll never be able to do that since all my cups are too large (and I'll likely only ever be making lattes, so want to use a larger cup). When I began researching espresso machines, I had no idea how an espresso was made or anything about the process or what was used. I didn't even know if they used different beans or coffee blends or a different grind. I didn't know the process was different from regular coffee. I'm not a regular coffee drinker, so have made regular coffee only infrequently, and am somewhat new to espresso drinks. I've been buying them at Starbucks for a few years, but never paid attention to how they were made. When I was first buying soy lattes, I had no idea they were made with espresso and not regular coffee (and wouldn't have known the difference anyway). I really agonized over whether to buy an espresso machine or not and then which one to buy. I finally narrowed it down to two DeLonghi machines: theDeLonghi ECO310BK 15-Bar-Pump Espresso Machine, Piano Black and theDeLonghi EC702 15-Bar-Pump Espresso Maker, Stainless . I couldn't tell which one was better, and I honestly think I might have bought one of their machines a month ago, if I'd been able to make a clear decision about which one to buy. I went back and forth several times. So why did I buy this Cuisinart machine instead? It had similar reviews, but fewer complaints about customer service (it seemed--I didn't count them). It came with a limited warranty so I didn't have to pay extra for a Square Trade warranty (and deal with DeLonghi's reportedly very poor customer service during the first year, should my machine break). This machine also came with a good enough frothing pitcher and a coffee scoop with attached tamper. (Eventually I will probably buy a better tamper and coffee scoop and a larger frothing pitcher, but the ones that came with the machine work fine.) Since I'm just learning, having some of the extras come with the machine was a bonus. I also appreciated the DVD that shows how to use the machine, and the two auto shot settings are another bonus. I wasn't looking for that feature, but now I'm glad I have it. At the same time I ordered my machine, I also orderedLavazza Dek Ground Espresso, Decaf, 8.8-Ounce ,Norpro 5981 Espresso Thermometer , andRattleware 3-Ounce RW Logo Shot Pitcher, Glass . These all proved useful. HOW I MADE MY FIRST LATTE: I followed the directions for the machine, washed the removable parts, filled it about halfway with water, and then ran some water through the machine to rinse it as per instructions. I also put some hot water in the cup I'd be using to warm it (as suggested), and then followed the directions closely to make the espresso. I put one scoop of coffee grounds into the one-shot filter. I tamped it gently. I wasn't sure if I'd used enough coffee. It was a full scoop, but once I tamped it down, it looked like less than what was used on the DVD. I had some trouble getting the portafilter holder attached to the machine. There's a little thing that slides (I thought) to hold the filter on, but it prevented the portafilter holder from fitting onto the machine. My daughter and I fiddled around with it and finally she figured out that I had this little thing in the wrong position. (I had put the portafilter holder on and taken it off a few times already, so I'm not sure why I had trouble this time.) I turned the machine on, but couldn't get it to work. Even though I was following the directions, I got confused and I'm still not sure what I did wrong at first. I ended up turning the machine off, taking the water tank off and putting it back on (this did nothing, but the lady in the DVD filled her tank after turning the machine on, so I figured what the heck), and eventually it worked. I pressed the single-shot button and the machine made businesslike noises. The espresso came out looking as it said it should: "The ideal pour is dark and caramel with reddish reflections." It also had a nice crema on top. I followed the instructions for steaming the milk, but again I had trouble with the machine not working the way I expected. I had chilled the pitcher (which I wouldn't have known except for Amazon reviews), but I didn't realize the milk had to be chilled. We use unsweetened almond milk most of the time, but there wasn't enough left in the carton from the refrigerator to make the latte. I had purchased some vanilla almond milk and vanilla soy milk but hadn't thought to chill them. I ended up using the rest of the unsweetened milk and a little bit of the unchilled vanilla soy milk mixed in. I let the water in the steamer out, and then began steaming my milk. I had a lot of trouble keeping the steaming wand in the milk and moving the milk cup around without bumping it into the machine. I did move the wand around and held the pitcher steady as instructed by the DVD, but this movement was unsatisfactory. I also stopped and started a few times, and each time, I couldn't get the steamer to start working again without shutting off the machine, then turning it back on and waiting for the machine to be ready, then pressing the steam button and waiting for that to be ready. Then I ran out of water in the machine. It never occurred to me that I would use up half a tank of water preparing the machine and making one latte. I shut it off, added water, and started over again. I had the abovementioned problem continuing with steaming after stopping the machine. I also had trouble keeping the thermometer in the pitcher while frothing the milk. My mistakes and confusion meant it took me a long time to froth the milk and I finally gave up without the milk frothed completely or correctly. I put the espresso in my heated cup and then poured the frothed milk on top. I mixed it together (not sure if one is supposed to do that?) and then spooned some into another cup for my daughter to try. I added a little bit of sugar, and it was done. The espresso wasn't as hot anymore and the milk never got quite to the right temperature, but the flavor was good. Overall, it took me a little bit of time and my latte wasn't perfect, but I loved the flavor, and I'm sure I will do better next time and get used to the steps to froth the milk. I'm going to practice making just frothed milk later for hot chocolate. Cleanup was a bit of a pain, but not too bad. I can now see the benefit of the automatic pod machines, though. They are probably faster, easier, and have little cleanup. UPDATE: I've had the machine for about five days now and made se
Scritto da: customer of long standing
a well thought out and good product
UPDATE June 24, 2010 I am not sure about this product even though it makes a good cup of coffee. I notice a small puddle of water underneath it everyday on my counter top! It collects on the grout between my tiles, which is not good. The puddle appears to come from a leak. ------- After using Cuisinart EM-100 for a month I can say that it can make delicious coffee comparable to that bought in a coffee shop. I continue to be happy with the purchase, after using the espresso maker and getting to know it well. * Ease of use The espresso maker has many nice and useful touches. It is simple and fool proof to operate, which helps when making coffee when one is not fully awake. The controls allow one to continue or to stop pouring coffee, water, or steam when one wants to. A regular 8 ounce cup fits easily under the portafilter. Other nice touches are that the water tank can easily be removed or put back, and the drip tray can be slipped out easily and washed off. The length of the steam/hot water nozzle is suited to the frothing pitcher included in the purchase and is not really a problem in my experience. The espresso maker is fairly quiet. It makes hot water and steam in an amazingly short time. I'd say in less than a minute; perhaps the solid 1000W specification has something to do with the internal boiler. * Preparation and clean up The preparation process for making espresso is very short: just pour water in the tank if there isn't enough left over from before, fill a clean portafilter with ground coffee and attach it in place, wait about a minute, turn the dial for coffee, and it pours out into the cup, presto! Clean up is simple: the screen above the portafilter, the steamer nozzle and the portafilter need to be cleaned, all of which are easy to do. * Coffee grind and clogging All that is needed to make good coffee with the coffee maker, is to use the right grind of coffee, since everything else has been made simple to do. Some suggest that a burr grinder is required to grind the beans for superior coffee. It takes a short learning process to find the correct fineness of grind to make good coffee. I found that the finer the grind the tastier the coffee. A word of caution, as with any espresso maker, too fine a grind (Turkish grind, but not Espresso grind) will clog the basket for the portafilter and coffee will not pour out. I have now learned how fine to grind my coffee so that particles do not get through the holes of the strainer in the basket and get trapped inside its double wall. When it is clogged, the pressure created by the pump can make it hard to remove the portafilter, but it must be removed in order to take steps to unclog it. This issue would be the same with any espresso maker. Instructions and a pin are sensibly provided. I was able to unclog the basket for the portafilter with the pin, so that one can make a mistake and recover from it. It has not been my experience, as a couple of other reviewers have claimed, that you cannot tell when the pressure is more than usual, and coffee explodes as you remove the portafilter. If the portafilter is not clogged, it requires little effort to remove it, and there is no explosion or mess involved. However, if it is clogged, you will find from the outset that you need to use much more force, enough to tell the difference, due to the pressure created by the clog. When I removed a badly clogged portafilter, the coffee grounds stayed in the portafilter, and there was no mess to clean up. The high pressure that is naturally developed due to clogging makes it a problem to remove the portafilter. I once turned the machine off and waited for 15 minutes, and still found that the pressure was high. I haven't tried this, but if the water from the tank is emptied by passing it through the nozzle for example using the hot water setting, perhaps the pressure in the portafilter could be reduced enough to make it easier to remove a clogged portafilter. * Tips on using hot water and steam for a hot cup of coffee If one uses a cold cup and cold cream directly from the refrigerator, one's espresso will naturally not be as hot as one might want. I use the hot water to heat up the cup first of all. I leave the hot water in to warm up the cup, until after I steam up the milk to heat it. I then move the dial to making espresso and proceed to pouring the coffee. Doing things in this order, heats up the boiler more and gets the water hotter. A good froth can be made with steam, with the normal amount of noise caused by bubbling steam through cream, otherwise the unit if fairly quiet. I use the steam more to heat up the cream which is cold from the refrigerator, than for making a froth. * Making more than one cup at a time For making several cups of espresso in a row, the portafilter can be safely and easily removed as soon as one is made, so that you can go on to making the next one, and so on. The water tank is large enough for making several cups. The protafilter is naturally hot for a while after making a cup of coffee, so be aware of it while handling.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
It gets the job done for an affordable machine
The media could not be loaded. My first and only espresso machine. Therefore, I can’t make comments on other machines or comparisons, but I can talk a little bit about this one. First off, You get what you pay for, but it does the job! Why do I say that? It’s definitely a LOUD machine that’s why I’m giving it 4 stars, but taking it’s not a $500+ machine, I’ll deal with the noise. Other than that once you watch plenty of youtube videos on how to pull a proper espresso shot and steam milk for your cappuccinos or lattes this machine will do it for you. The more you use it and practice with it, cleaning will become easier and faster. Don’t buy this machine if you want a fast cup of coffee, it will require more than a couple of minutes of your day to get your cup, but 100% worth it! We love it at home and as you can see, after pulling over 10 shots ???? and practicing my milk steaming I got me a decent latte and it tasted just like my favorite local coffee shop! ???????? On that note, buy beans from your local coffee roaster, the quality of them will take your coffee to the next level. I’m not sure if this applies to all coffee beans but as I was practicing with store bought beans from a big company the beans were very very oily so I was struggling to get a good shot out and cleaning the portafilter was a pain. Once I got my local beans it made all the difference. Hope this helps someone else interested on buying this machine.
Scritto da: TomB
Makes a great coffee
I bought one of these used and thought it was great. After a year it died. I like it so much I bought a new one on Amazon. The new one is SO much better than the original one. I get a perfect crema every time. It has great pressure so frothing milk is super simple (my old one took a lot of effort and was rarely right) I have not used competitive home espresso machines so I can't compare, but I can say that this one is great. The one con I can think of is it is quite loud when first turned on. The pump or heater kicking in is loud. This was the same on my old one too.
Scritto da: Franki v
Great machine
Italian family; we have used this machine for over 10/12 years; we have replaced 2 but realized afterwards with a little CLR the machine works again ,mind you we make 20 + espresso a day 7 times a week , wonderful machine that I have 4 in my basement brand new since it was discontinued in Canada .. if your machine isn’t making creamy coffee . Change your beans
Scritto da: Michael R
Ok as an entry-level machine.
Not exactly a top of of the line espresso machine, however, for someone just starting to learn to make espresso, or a casual user, it’s fine. There are a few things lacking with this machine: no auto shut off??? The shortest steam wand I’ve ever seen??? But, overall, it’ll do the trick, at least until you decide to upgrade to a more professional unit.
Scritto da: Paul Stiles
Great machine
This is great coffee maker. Simple to use and it makes restaurant quality coffee. I am addicted to cappuccinos.
Scritto da: Sophia
Very good quality
Easy to use

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